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Arrested Development Wiki

Lemon grove

Lemon grove
First Appearance: "Whistler's Mother"

Oscar Bluth owns a lemon grove near Newport Beach.


Always a burnout, Oscar Bluth somehow came into possession of a lemon grove. He parks his trailer on the grove and makes lemonade from the lemons but has no other way to make money.

The U.S. government has an easement on the property since it is near Camp Pendleton and no properties can be developed on it. This was unknown to Michael when he bought the property for $10,000. After realizing his error, Michael tried to contact Oscar who ducked his calls. After asking his mother for help, Lucille tracked down Oscar and made him give back the money. In exchange, she happily reignited her and Oscar's lost romance. ("Whistler's Mother")

Main Arrested Development Locations
Orange County: Newport BeachOrange County PrisonWee Britain
Newport Beach: Sudden ValleyModel HomeBalboa TowersBluth Company officesBalboa Island
Balboa Island: Oceanside WharfBluth's Original Frozen Banana Stand
All locations